When You Just Don’t Know

The Lion and The Lamb Lay upon the clouds with the Holy Spirit represented as a landing dove with the beams of His Prayers illuminated the Lion and the Lamb.
I don’t know about you, but there have been times in my life when I have been faced with things so overwhelming that I did not know how to ask for help, or how even to pray…

Romans 8:26

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities:
for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:
but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Probably all of us, at some point in our lives (and a lot of us during multiple times in our lives) have had situations that just flat-out devastated us — circumstances that left us powerless to even think clearly or, really, to even consider anything beyond what we were experiencing or trying to endure…

If not; you are truly blessed indeed.

For the rest of us, however, during times that are so negatively present and upon us, not being able (for whatever reason) to explain our situation, seek help, or even think of what we ought to be doing… Well, it just makes a devastating situation naturally hopeless.

It’s one thing to say, Turn to God… or… Make your request known to God, through prayer and supplication (Philippians 4:6): It’s one thing to know that we should be doing that… But in the midst of emotionally, physically, mentally, dire straights, it is nearly impossible to do anything – much less the right thing…

Well, be of good cheer (John 16:33). Christians have the personal assurance from Jesus Christ the Messiah, that God, The Father, will send The Comforter, The Holy Ghost/Spirit to teach us all things and help us remember all that He Has Ever Said (John 14:26).

In our naturally hopeless situations, Christians have available a Supernatural Advocate, Helper, Encourager, Empowering Assistant… and though we might forget we have Him, He will never leave or forsake us, nor put more on us than we can bear, without providing a way of escape (Deuteronomy 31:81 Corinthians 10:13).

Because God knows that we can be overwhelmed, and will be, He has made provisions for us: Provision for power (Philippians 4:13); Provision for Peace that Surpasses Understanding for the Storms of Life (Philippians 4:7), and even Provisions for Prayer when we  don’t even know how pray (Romans 8:26).

If you are a Christian, be encouraged because this too will pass (Psalm 30:5, 2 Corinthians 4: 17)

If you are not a Christian, become one...

If you are tired of being tired… If you are tired of worrying yourself to death… 
If you tired of being powerless…

Be Encouraged.

Turn to God.

Come to God.

And know that if and when you do, you will never again be alone in your struggles — even during those circumstance in which you, yourself, do not even know how to pray; you will be accompanied by, and have immediately available, God, The Holy Spirit, to Make Intercession for You, to Empower You, to Calm You, to Restore Your Ability to Reason, to Function, to Endure, above and beyond whatever is coming against you…

He is an ever present help!!! (Psalm 46:1)

John Dainwood

I once was lost; now I am found. I once was blind; now I see. I once was a destroyer; now I am a Peace Maker. I once was bound; now I am free. I once was imprisoned; My chains are Gone. I have been Transformed by the Very Power of God; I now share The Way, The Truth, & The Life, with everyone interested in Miraculous Change.

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    God has always been there for me and im sure millions of others. i am believing GOD for only one thing this Christmas the gift of 4 more years this CHRISTMAS FRIENDS..GET IT?

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