My Name is John Dainwood and I am a man transformed by a Deep Understanding of the Love of God and His Infallible Word.
I am a Simple Man, Loving the Simplicity of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and Living a Beautiful & Personal Relationship with God Almighty, through Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
But that hasn’t always been the case… I was about as lost as anyone can be… I was filled with fear that turned into solid rage… and my skull had been broken into four large pieces and pressed inward upon the brain… For all of the details of the ignorance, the darkness, and the violence, which encompassed me for years, please read the Founder’s Full Story & Vision

God's Specific Instructions for this Website

At times, God will awaken me from a deep, restful, sleep. Often it is in answer to something I have been praying about and trying to decide in a Godly Fashion.

Sometimes it is with specific instructions in what God wants me to do… Always, I know that (a) it is a terrific idea, though I may be very ill-equipped to handle the task, and (b) after acknowledging that I will obey, I will fall, instantly, right back into the deep sleep I was awakened from, and when I get up the next morning, I will be invigorated and excited to be about the Business of God for my Life…

Often, however, it is simply God awakening me to pray for someone — and maybe someone I don’t even know, or have any way of knowing what their particular plight is… When this happens, I always feel an urgency to invoke God on their behalf…

I have had multiple occasions where those I have known have thought about, tried, or even succeeded in taking their own lives… I have also known multiple people who feel they have more on them than they can possibly bear… Mostly, these individuals do not have an accurate knowledge of the word of God, or how to access His Power for dealing with their terrible circumstances… But I have to ask: Does their not knowing the Word of God make their dilemmas less crushing, or – indeed – more so???

Always, when I am awakened by God… I go from deeply asleep to widely awake and extremely alert; tuned to the prayer communication that I believe The Holy Spirit has opened with me on behalf of someone in dire straits —probably someone for whom there is no one to pray or even to care enough to pray for them…

Do you know someone like that??? Someone with no one to think of them, except in the manner of looking down upon them???

Well, I believe that in my own life, this is the unction of The Holy Spirit, and I am always obedient in partaking in immediate prayer… and I am never surprised at the words that come out of my mouth, as I pray for an unknown person, who is trapped in an unknown circumstance of, perhaps, eternal consequence…

So, it was about 2am and I was sleeping good — and then I was awake. I had a distinct urgency for listening… dogs will sometimes cock their heads, putting their best ear forward, in concentration as they listen, trying to determine what they are hearing… This was my attitude, from deep sleep, to wide-awake, alertly listening for the instructions of God…

I want you to start a Blog… I want you to use it to tell the world about my Son and My Written Word…”

My immediate response?  A BLOG, Lord??? I don’t know anything about blogs… I don’t even read other people’s blogs, and you want me to design and manage one???

 And immediately I remembered 1 Samuel 15:22: Obedience is better than Sacrifice, and John 15:5 …apart from me, you can do nothing,  and Philippians 4:13 … I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me…

 My answer was, Yes, Lord. But You will have to do it through me… But you knew my answer… that is why your awaked me — my answer shall ever be, ‘Here am I, Lord, Send me” When you asked, Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? (Isaiah 6:8)

So this is why I have started this blog, and this is why I share the Good News with You: God Instructed that I do so, because I love you, but God Loved You Firstest and He Loves You Mostest!!! And Obedience really is better than Sacrifice!!!