Something from Nothing, Part 1: Before Anything was Made; Love Was

Before Anything was Made;
Love WAS

— God IS Love —

Before Hate;

There was


1 John 7: 7-8 & John 1: 1-3

John 1: 1-3

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

1 John 4: 7-8

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God IS love.

To say that God is Love is pretty easy; pretty simple, and it is pretty much universally understood by those who believe that there is a Creator, that He is Love.

But the thing that gets lost in the common-place acceptance that God is Love, is that When God spoke the Universe (and everything visible and invisible within it) into existence, Love already was.

In point of fact, there was no hatred, no sadness, no evil… There was no corruption, no decay… There was nothing at all, But God –without beginning–from whom all of existence was spoken into being, and from whom all things come.

The sticking point for atheist scientist, who disagree that before the Universe and any thing within it God was, is that nothing had to expand or explode in order for something to come from nothing…

If nothing was even able to explode then nothing would have been produced; there simply could not have, scientifically, been an exploding event where there was absolutely nothing to explode.

If nothing explodedthen Nothing Happened… No Cause, No Effect… the Result of Nothing exploding, would have been Nothing; there would have been No Result, if nothing exploded.

Yet, atheist, must believe that, not only something, but everything, came from nothing… In spite of their inability to achieve absolute nothingness… in spite of their inability to find absolute nothingness anywhere in existence, their hatred for a God they say does not exist, drives them to disregard their own Scientific Methods, Instructions, and Findings (Or, to warp the findings to fit the narrative of their peculiar and persistent obstinacy…) all in order to find, or indeed, manufacture through imagination, a means for nothing to have produced something —all without any outside supernatural force, instruction, or management…

Scientific principles and the very Laws of Science, itself, are in agreement that there is no known or perhaps even discoverable, methodology for absolute nothingness to BECOME something… or, indeed, for something to become absolutely nothing.

There are, however, those groups of scientists bent upon proving that there is no God, for whom quantum gravity might cause our universe and other universes to pop into existence out of nothing…

You can find this thinking and statement in Dr. Lawrence M. Krauss’s book, A Universe from Nothing (published on January 10, 2012 by Free Press).

The title of this book is both misleading and factually incorrect: Krauss bases his hypothesis on the fact that the universe came from Nothing, through an application or procedure or exercise known as quantum gravity…

What he fails to address in the book, and in the above statement, however, is that if the universe came from quantum gravity — Well, the universe, by application of quantum gravity, came from something (quantum gravity), or from someone… that something or someone would have had to’ve created and directed the forces of quantum gravity: and that that something or someone would have been a state of being that exists outside of space, and time, and all laws that govern them).

That state or being, or state of being – necessary for quantum gravity to emerge – could not have been absolute nothingness…

It would have been a Creator — the Ultimate Scientist, Mathematician, and Knowledge Possessor – of All Power, existing outside of time, space, and any rules or laws that govern them… It would have been the Author, Implementer, and Manager, of all rules, laws, and procedures that created, and govern or manage the Universe.

Furthermore, because quantum gravity is, itself, something; it had to have been brought to bear in some very specific, measurable, procedure in order to produce whatever was created by the forces applied… not forces of nothing, mind you, but forces, which were, themselves, something…

Additionally, there is nowhere inside the Universe, where Absolute Nothingness existsNor, is there anywhere OUTSIDE of the Universe where nothing exists… Nor can Scientist create or produce the State of Absolute Nothingness… 

They cannot find it, nor can they produce it… Yet they believe that everything came from a state in existence of absolutely nothing that has no basis in reality, that is not discoverable, and that cannot be produced… (but, if it did exist, it would then be something, would it not?)

You see their dogged dilemma, yes???

God exists. He simply IS. He is everywhere. He is the totality of Space and Time and Force and Knowledge… He, himself, encompasses or holds all that IS, ever has been, or ever will be…

Everything is IN Him, FROM Him, and OF Him… There IS no place or time where He IS NOT… Is this not what He, Himself, declares in His Holy Word???

I highly recommend, to anyone truly interested in the origins of the Universe (not those just living to disprove that God IS), to read the books and critiques of Dr. Krauss (who is a Theoretical Physicist, as opposed to an Experimental Physicists) by Dr. Hugh Ross, A Universe from Nothing? A Critique of Lawrence Krauss’ Book Parts 1 & 2.

If you are interested in an audible, more comprehensive Dr. Hugh Ross critique of Dr. Lawrence Krauss (on YouTube), click Here.

For more blogs, podcasts, publications, by him and His teams of fellow Scientists, and other books, articles, and videos on Science and its proof of God and that He is the Creator of the Universe,  visit the website, Reasons to Believe ( and pursue and peruse and explore the topics and media provided.

I also recommend you visit the Reasons to Believe YouTube Channel, where you can browse or search topics of interest concerning Science and Faith.

Dr. Ross formed the organization, Reasons to Believe: Where Science and Faith Converge, with 1,564+ articles written, 26 books published, 1,000+ TV & Radio Interviews and 1,000s of events held… (See the footer on the Explore page for many, many, topics and tags).

Nontheistic and Anti-theistic scientists are forced to believe that the Universe came from nothing… Something suddenly appearing from Nothing… well, if it did, indeed, happen, then I think that would, very definitely, qualify for Miraculous… 

But do not get overly excited. Even though the general consensus among Godless scientist is that the beginning of the Universe had to have come from nothing at its inception — that something had to, indeed, come from nothing for the Universe to have begun (the Universe is, after all, finite) – they are incorrect.

Something did not, cannot, and will not EVER, come from Nothing…

All things come from God, and nothing that is came from anywhere else; just as stated in John 1: 1-3

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 He was with God in the beginning.
3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

We know that the Holy Bible and its God-breathed scripture, declares God to be without beginning and without end…

It defines Him as Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient: Everywhere at once, All Powerful, and the Possessor of all knowledge; everything that can be known.

Sounds pretty much like what would be necessary for the creation of the Complex, Intricate, and Awesome, Universe, does it not???

But let us take a look at how the very methods of science that nontheistic scientists attempt to use to disprove God, do nothing of the kind, but – in point of fact – lay credence, through omission, to God being the Creator.

Let’s look at why Science Methodology has to be violated in order to support the Hypothesis that there is no God and that the Universe IS because Something came from Nothing.

Encyclopaedia Britannica has done a great job of simplifying the model for the Scientific Method:

The first order of scientific business is to formulate an idea (hypothesis), such as The Big Bang Theory, for an example.

There are any number of reproduceable experiments that can prove what happened after the Big Bang Explosion, where the Universal Laws have been and are demonstrated without doubt…

But there has never been reproduced an explosion without matter, or fuel, or ignitable material, or forces applied.

An explosion from nothing cannot be reproduced because Absolute Nothingness is a state that cannot be produced by man, and does not exist anywhere in the Universe; nowhere in the Universe is there a place or a space where absolutely nothing IS.

In each of the four instances in the Forbes, Starts with a Bang,  Senior Contributor, Ethan Siegel article, The Four Different Meanings Of ‘Nothing’ To A Scientist the scientific definition of nothing changes and is contingent upon something.

Pure Nothingness is an impossible, unobtainable, state, where, even if possible, its very state of being would still constitute something: a platform or container or space – for lack of a definitive word or term – absent any physical or elemental thing… a true vacuum… which, in and of itself, would be something and NOT nothing…

The third meaning provided of the above article is as follows (click the link and scroll downward to Number 3.) :

3.) Nothingness as the ideal lowest-energy state possible for spacetime:
If you were able to reach the true ground state of the Universe — whatever that state may look like — and expelled from your Universe all the matter, energy, radiation, spacetime curvature and ripples, etc., you’d be left with the ultimate idea of “physical nothingness.”
You’d at least still have a stage for the Universe to play out on, but there would be no players. There would be no cast, no script, and no scene to your play, but the vast abyss of physical nothingness still provides you with a stage. The cosmic vacuum would be at its absolute minimum, and there would be no way to extract work, energy, or any real particles (or antiparticles) from it. And yet, to some, this still has the flavor of “something,” because space, time, and rules are still in place.

“No way to extract work, energy, or any real particles (or antiparticles) from it…” Does that sound like the beginnings of, or the Universe itself, could spontaneously erupt, without an outside force creating new laws or rules or conditions or forces???

The fourth instance in this article states the following in the second paragraph: — click the link and scroll downward to Subheading 4.):

4.) Nothingness only occurs when you remove the entire Universe and the laws that govern it. 
In the context of physics, this creates a problem: we cannot make any sense of this sort of nothingness. We’d be compelled to assume that there is such a thing as a state that can exist outside of space and time, and that spacetime itself, as well as the rules that govern all of the physical entities we know of, can then emerge from this hypothesized, idealized state.

“We’d be compelled to assume that there is such a thing as a state that can exist outside of space and time…”

Well, we are more than compelled; we are informed that such a state of being has existed always: GOD.

“…as well as the rules that govern all of the physical entities we know of, can then emerge from this hypothesized, idealized state.”

Again, we are more than compelled; we are informed in the Genesis Account of Creation that such was the exact case. While Genesis concerns the creation of the Earth and Sun and Moon, it is correlative to what would have happened when God created the Universe.

God was all there was, until His Creation of the Universe and everything within it (whether instantaneous, or through an ignition that took eons to complete is debatable).

In either case, however, the All Knowing, Present Everywhere All the Time, All Powerful, GOD was, and is, and will ever be, the State Existing outside of Time, and Space, and Physics… GOD: The Author & Perfecter of the Universe and every thing within it…

The Author of Mathematics, the Manager of All Power, the Possessor of All Knowledge… Sounds pretty much like what it would take to construct or create a Universe… yes???

This fourth instance of the Scientific Meaning of Nothing concludes as follows:

Each of the four definitions is correct in its own way, but what’s most important is understanding what the speaker means when they’re talking about their particular form of nothingness. Each definition has its own scope and range of validity, with applications to a wide range of particular physical problems, from the origin of matter to dark energy to cosmic inflation to the zero-point energy of space itself. But these concepts have a drawback as well: they’re all constructs of our own minds. Everything we know of certainly came from nothing. The key is to understand how.

The how is the proof that “…everything we know of certainly…” did not come from nothing… If a state of nothingness cannot be produced, and is not present in the Universe, then a natural construction of the Universe could not have occurred.

If a natural occurrence of Absolute Nothingness, cannot be found, or produced, then it leaves only the Supernatural… and we are right back to God, creating everything — not from nothing, but from, by, and of, Himself.

Simple, but clear. The only thing that can defy that logic, is hatred, or obstinate disbelief in the face of logic & reason, and a dogmatic direct refusal to consider any position other than one’s own.

So, by the Scientific Method Model:
     first the hypothesis,
     then experiment designed to test the hypothesis,
     then conducting the experiment,
     then observing the results,
     then compare the actual results to the expected results
     then draw consequent conclusions,
     conduct more experiments,
     finally, to report the findings…

And anywhere, along the steps in that method, that your hypothesis fails or cannot be proven, it must be refined, altered, adjusted, or discarded, according to the facts of what is proven, or better logic or reason… even if it negates your original hypothesis.

Here, I would refer you, once again, to Dr. Hugh Ross. Please read this article, Responding to the Nonempirical Case for Atheism, in its entirety.

The Scientists wishing to disprove the God of the Universe, have a problem in proving something coming from nothing… it cannot be done; it has never been done; so, it cannot be duplicated, reproduced, or recreated…

The general scientific acceptance that, insofar as the Universe is finite (with a beginning), it had to have – at its inception – arose, expanded, exploded, or happened from nothing is without supporting evidence… No matter how strongly Theoretical Scientists wish otherwise, or imagine ways to prove the impossible.

The hypothesis that Nothing Produced Something cannot get beyond the hypothesis beginning – idea stage – before the Scientific Method becomes unable to support or prove it through experimentation… If you have nothing, in its absolute state, to begin with, a supernatural means, force, or condition, must be applied to even begin an experiment to prove that something can naturally emerge from it…

As this is the case, what must be done, according to the Scientific Method, when such occurs??? Yes. Refine or reject the original Hypothesis.

To do that, whatever evidence available must be sought, considered, tested, and a new, or different, more viable, Hypothesis must be formed.

Yet, Modern, God Hating Scientist, refuse… absolutely refuse… to follow their own Sacrosanct Scientific Methodology… And they refuse to acknowledge the tangible, measurable, logical, evidence in front of them, in the form of the Holy Bible and its supporting science…

Well, that is not entirely correct because Dr. Krauss has admitted, according to Dr. Ross, who quoted him, in paragraph 7 with the footnote 2Krauss, 173, in the RTB website article, A Universe from Nothing? A Critique of Lawrence Krauss’ Book, Part 1:

But has Krauss really proved that “God is dead”? His fans may say so, but Krauss himself backs away slightly from such a bold claim. Rather, he admits on the basis of physics and logic that “one cannot rule out such a deistic view of nature.” 2

The mathematical precision of the Universe and the visible evidence of the actions and reactions of matter and the invisible forces that propel everything physical, is so intricately laid out and dependent upon laws or rules or programmatic applications, that design was evidently perfected by intent…

God created everything that is. Whether visible or invisible, God is the creator, just as Colossians 1:16 makes perfectly clear.

Just as clearly, John states that God IS Love, in 1 John 4: 7-8 & 16 .

As this is the case, Before the Universe, Love Was.

So, the Universe and everything that IS was created By Love, In Love, and for Love.

Nontheistic Scientists all agree that Something had to have been created from nothing for the Universe to exist. It had to have had a beginning that was the result of nothing. 

The fourth scientific meaning of nothing, as cited above, states:

Nothingness only occurs when you remove the entire Universe and the laws that govern it. This is the most extreme case of all: a case that steps out of reality — out of space, time, and physics itself — to imagine a Platonic ideal of nothingness. We can conceive of removing everything we can imagine: space, time, and the governing rules of reality. Physicists have no definition for anything here; this is pure philosophical nothingness.
In the context of physics, this creates a problem: we cannot make any sense of this sort of nothingness. We’d be compelled to assume that there is such a thing as a state that can exist outside of space and time, and that spacetime itself, as well as the rules that govern all of the physical entities we know of, can then emerge from this hypothesized, idealized state.

The truth is that there was never a time when there was absolutely nothing. God is the “state” described in the paragraphs above as outside of reality, space, time, and physics itself… and He is the only possible perpetual State of Being known to man.

He is the “state” that “exists outside of space and time, and that spacetime itself, as well as the rules that govern all of the physical entities we know of…” emerged from…

He is perpetual; without beginning. He is everywhere, all the time. He possesses all knowledge and all power and His essence is Love.

Therefore, the Big Bang, or the Explosion, or the Expansion, or the Something He created – not from nothing, but from Himself – which we know as the Universe, was what???

It was an explosion of Love, in every direction. It was prepared in Love. It was set in Love, and it was ignited or initiated, in Love…

The universe and everything in it came from, was created in, and exist because of, Love.

Everything that was, in the beginning, was perfect. It was all good and it was produced by love, in love, and for love…

So, what went wrong???

I will cover that in Part 2 of this article. Stay tuned.

John Dainwood

I once was lost; now I am found. I once was blind; now I see. I once was a destroyer; now I am a Peace Maker. I once was bound; now I am free. I once was imprisoned; My chains are Gone. I have been Transformed by the Very Power of God; I now share The Way, The Truth, & The Life, with everyone interested in Miraculous Change.