One God, One Humanity, One Blood, One Nation Under God

We are, every one of us, fearfully and wonderfully made, and we are all, each and everyone of us, marvelous works of God, Himself (Psalm 139:14). That scripture, however, goes on to say… “…and that my soul knoweth right well…

Psalm 139:14 / II Chronicles 7:14

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works;
and that my soul knoweth right well.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Hands Laid Atop Each Other of Every Skin Color, Forming a Circle of Palms Around the Planet Earth.
Look closely at the Olive Branch Leaves.
Doves of Peace Hold Olive Branches with Dangling Leaves that Form an Abstract of Earth's Continents.

They Form an abstract Globe of the Earth, where the leaves represent the Planet’s Continents.

Psalm 139:14: One Humanity — One Blood

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

We have either forgotten or devalued our human condition, so deeply within ourselves, to the point that we no longer correctly value our own self-worth, or recognize that value in our fellow humans… 

Take it from one who knows; Violence, Murder, Mayhem, Chaos, Suicide — these are the results of our souls forgetting that WE ARE ALL fearfully and wonderfully made and that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US is a marvelous work of God, Himself.

Differences in Culture, Ideology, and Core Beliefs, DO NOT and CANNOT change the FACT that we are all… each and every one of us – with absolutely, NO EXCEPTIONS – separated from any and all other species, by the Human Genome.

We are, therefore, way more ALIKE than we are DIFFERENT — We all have the same blood: We all bleed the same, and all of our blood is the color red.

Furthermore, all of our blood darkens to the color of death, whenever it has left the living body and dried, lifeless, upon whatever surface it has been spilled upon…

Yet, all we must do to correct the abhorrence of Forgetting, is to Remember. Often, however, it takes the input of someone else to jog the memory of our souls (please let it be you and me and him and her and them), so that we can remember the intrinsic value within ourselves, and therefore, be able to recognize and respect the intrinsic value of every other human on the planet Earth...

Let us, therefore, call to the remembrance of our own souls, and remind each other of, the VALUE of ALL SOULS — Let us begin to remember and know in the depths of our own souls that We Are All of One Blood, One Humanity, Living on One Planet, Under One God…

Let us, therefore, remember that we  – here in America – the Blessed of all Earth Citizens, are One Nation, Under THAT One God, In Whom We Trust and Obey… Only then will the Peace that Passes All Understanding be Given to Each and Everyone of Us and to Our Nation... Only then will we be able to Love Our Neighbors as Ourselves…

So, how is it that we can come together, when we have forgotten how???

II Chronicles 7:14: When a Nation Turns to God — He Will Hear & Answer

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I placed this second scripture in this article because when we begin to remember that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, by the One, True, God — when we begin to recognize, remember, and accept the real value in ourselves, as well as others — we may, then, turn to that God to heal our land

We must begin with our own hearts, then teach the hearts of others, and the heart of our nation will automatically be transformed.

We must start recognizing our own intrinsic value, the intrinsic value of all others, and the intrinsic value of our Great Nation.

It must all begin, however, with our recognizing and remembering the intrinsic value of our One, Great & True, God. 

Yes. I do realize that without acknowledging God, or even that He exist, humans have the capacity to love one another… Much like a child that can put the key in the ignition and reach the peddles can drive a car…

That kid doesn’t know how to drive, beyond what he has seen others do. The potential for a disaster, or at the very least, an extremely unhappy situation is far greater than the exception to the rule.

Even the child that has learned to drive by sitting on his father’s lap has much to learn to be able to fully recognize and respect the freedom that driving provides… Absent that recognition and respect? Tragedy is almost guaranteed.

Perhaps this lack of recognition and respect evolves into tragedy a little at a time (first one or more traffic tickets, then a minor wreck or two… then a serious accident where others are impacted… perhaps even killed, though that was certainly not anticipated or planned…

Or, perhaps, the tragedy explodes into existence in a single accidental, unintended, disaster…

That child can move a vehicle that is far more powerful than he can imagine. He can DRIVE it, but he is certainly, a danger to himself and to others…

With our nation? Tragedy has happened a little bit at a time, as we have lost recognition and respect for our Creator God, His principles and Precepts and His Guidance and Directions and – perhaps most importantly – His Love.

Our God is Love. The teachings of Christ were all about Love, and what is guaranteed to happen, when we forget how to Love…

Anarchy. Chaos. Destruction. Death (intentional and unintentional).

You see??? Where there is a lack of love, dislike abides and grows and very easily become hatred…

Hatred breeds violence and violence breeds misery and injury and death… When Love is absent, Chaos reigns supreme.

This is what has become of a large segment of our nation’s society… God has been taken out of the equation, and since He is Love, Love has been driven out as we drove Him out of our lives, as well as the lives of our children.

Our children are driving without lessons. Our Children have grown into adults without Love. Our Children have replaced the Love that was intended to fill the heart with dislike, intolerance, self-greed, a lack of respect for, and recognition of, self-worth and the worth of all others.

We have not learned to Love, or we have forgotten how to Love, and so our children were not taught how to drive. They were turned loose without lessons or license and have grown into adults without direction; without the moral compass of God’s Instructions.

It is no wonder we are divided. It is no wonder we have gone the way of tragedies and calamities.  It is no wonder at all… it was inevitable. It was promised by God…

So, what is the good news, or is there any such thing as good news anymore???

This side lies; that side lies, the media can’t be trusted… is there no good news anymore???

Well, yes; there is. The good news is that all we must be do to quell hatred, is to Love. Recognition and Respect will follow, and flow from, one who truly loves.

It really is that simple. But how do we learn something we have thoroughly forgotten. How do we teach those things we do not truly believe? How do we teach what we no longer know???

Well, remembering Psalm 139:14 and then practicing 11 Chronicles 7:14 is the answer…

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I would make one last point, in closing. Just in case anyone should point to the fact that these were old testament scriptures, and that “My People” pertains to the Jewish people alone… I would prove to you that Christ has offered the Gentiles (everyone that is not Jewish) adoption into the family of God and that His Covenant Promises are guaranteed to all believers: Jewish and Gentile, alike.

Please click here to read this in Romans 11: 7-36 for yourselves

John Dainwood

I once was lost; now I am found. I once was blind; now I see. I once was a destroyer; now I am a Peace Maker. I once was bound; now I am free. I once was imprisoned; My chains are Gone. I have been Transformed by the Very Power of God; I now share The Way, The Truth, & The Life, with everyone interested in Miraculous Change.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Evelyn Saunders

    Was great, thanks.

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