Welcome Brothers and Sisters, Lost and Saved, Members of All Denominations, as well as Enemies of God!

All Seekers of Truth are Welcomed Here!!!

Hello! Thanks for visiting this site and seeking an understanding of God’s Word, His Power, and the ways in which they can transform your life — Or, for coming for the sermons, or to utilize the devotionals because your schedule leaves little room for spending time in God’s Word…
I have begun this website, at God’s Specific Instructions (see the About the Author Page for the details), to share with the world the transformative powers of God, Almighty, through Jesus Christ… and to share the joy and peace and profound Wisdom of God Almighty, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, with any and all who long for those things in their own lives.
In Romans 12:2, God Instructs: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

You see? It doesn’t say for YOU to transform yourself by starting to, or trying to, THINK differently…

It commands that you BE transformed BY the renewing OF your mind… It is GOD, through His Holy Word, who renews the mind, my friend, BECAUSE it takes the very Power of the One Who Created All things in the Universe – both visible and invisible – to alter our proclivities, habits and addictions…

We cannot do it in our own strength.

Which begs the question,  How Many Serious New Year’s Resolutions, or Vows to Change or Break Addictions, have you ever kept because YOU decided to make a change by your own will power..
Philippians 4:13 says:
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

And John 15:5 informs us:
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Essentially, I wish to share with you the story of how God brought me out of darkness, despair, hopelessness, fear and the unquenchable rage of a lunatic (All documented in the Founders Full Story & Vision on the About the Author Page as well)…
I also wish, however, to show you that God searches the World Over for a Willing Heart, and that when He finds one,
HE transforms it. HE heals it. HE fills it with peace…

Furthermore, after reading the Author’s Full Story and Vision, you will know – beyond any doubt whatsoever – that because He has done it for me, He will certainly do it for you…

No Matter Your Reason for Being Here…

Whether you seek deliverance, or a way to transcend the peace and joy that you may already experience in your relationship with God…

You’ve Come to the right place.

Check out the Blog Page, the Daily Devotional Page, The Articles, The Scriptures Explained Page… Draw Near to God, and He WILL Draw Near to You (James 4:8).